TAKE TIME OUT: When you feel overwhelmed, take 5 minutes to regroup. Plan and take holiday time to rest and recharge.

DISCONNECT FROM EXTERNAL NEGATIVITY: Often we are overwhelmed with negativity in the media etc. Choose to disconnect where possible.

GET QUALITY SLEEP: Before going to bed, take time to think about all you accomplished in the day. Don’t focus on what you didn’t get done or what has to be done tomorrow.

ADOPT A POSITIVE MINDSET: Take time to focus on all you have accomplished and all the challenges you have overcome.

CONNECT WITH OTHERS: It’s good to talk, it will help you feel lighter. Others may need your wisdom too and often helping someone else can lift your own spirits.

DON’T TRY TO DO IT ALL YOURSELF: Consider farm safety, and ask for help when you need a hand.

DEVELOP YOUR FARM/LIFE BALANCE: Farming often involves living where you work, making it difficult to separate the two. Set boundaries between work and home life.

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