FRS Farm Staff Partnership

FRS Farm Staff Partnership

Providing a consistent worker all your round for the days you need.

How it Works

The Farm Staff Partnership

A fresh new approach by FRS to help farmers manage their year-round staffing requirements.

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The Benefits

The Benefits

Find out more about the Key Benefits of the FRS Farm Staff Partnership to farmers

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Contact us to arrange your free Staff needs assessment

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Contact your local FRS Farm Services Office

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How does the FRS Farm Staff Partnership work?

  • Farmer and FRS meet to discuss the staffing requirements for the farm.
  • Farmer and FRS will assess and discuss the workload for the entire year.
  • FRS makes recommendations on the Farm Staff Partnership best suited to your farm.
  • Farmer commits to taking on an FRS farm worker for the days per week required on a continuous basis through the year.
  • FRS guides the farmer through the process and reviews the contract throughout the year.
  • Payment is by Direct Debit to FRS.

What’s Included?

Free farm staff needs assessment

Farm staff plan for the year based on the days required

Periodic reviews of the plan and contract

Key benefits of the FRS Farm Staff Partnership to farmers

Your staffing needs are assessed and improvement plans are put in-place and tracked throughout the year by FRS

Year round committed source of staff

Your staff are ready to hit the ground running during the busy spring season

Ability to plan out workload all year round, which leads to better efficiencies

FRS look after all payroll deductions and entitlements

One monthly bill to farmer, which is tax deductible

Flexibility built in to ensure all eventualities are covered

Relationships are built up with your FRS farm staff and FRS office, who know how you like your farm to operate

Gives time back to think, plan and relax

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