Dairy Operative Skills Programme

FRS in conjunction with Teagasc have launched a new Dairy Operative Skills Programme

Interested candidates are invited to apply for work as milkers and farm workers with FRS Farm Relief Services and those who require upskilling will have the unique opportunity to complete a 20 day programme involving 4 days class room based training and 16 days practical work experience on host farms organised by FRS.

On successful completion of the programme, candidates will be offered work through FRS.

The work could potentially earn an individual up to €8,000 or more and participants will be paid during their training.

The peak months for seasonal work is January/February to May/June annually, but there are full time opportunities also available.

This programme and Jobs may be of interest to:

  • Dry Stock Farmers; with capacity to take on additional work during the spring season
  • Women in Agriculture; with interested in work involving milking, calf rearing and/or livestock husbandry.
  • Farmers on Farm Assist; interested in farm work and capacity to work. (please check your work entitlements with your local office)
  • Jobseekers; who is in receipt of a DSP payment and who may have experience in farm work or willing to upskill. (FRS advise individuals of the need to discuss their   individual position with Dept. Social Protection (DSP))

*jobs are not limited to these groups, all are welcome to apply

How to Apply


Dairy Workers and General Farm Workers Required – Nationwide

FRS milking operators, Jennifer Matthews and Josh Phelan, both successfully completed the programme and were featured along with farmer James O’Brien from Kilkenny on Ear to the Ground.

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