by Jane Marks | Jul 17, 2020 | Farm Services News & Articles
With breeding season coming to an end, this time of year can be one of the most dangerous times on a farm. Many farmers will have finished with AI and have let a stock bull out with the cows to serve the remainder of the herd. The dangers associated with bulls are...
by Jane Marks | Jul 15, 2020 | Farm Services News & Articles
Wednesday August 13th 1980 marks the date that National Co-op Farm Relief Services (NCFRS) set up the national co-ordinating body over 30 Co-ops around Ireland. It all began with farmers helping other farmers with relief milking and FRS was formed to give structure to...
by Jane Marks | Jul 13, 2020 | Farm Services News & Articles
It is important that safety precautions are followed on every farm to prevent accidents to both people and livestock. At this time of the year after completing the first cut of silage, farmers turn their focus to spreading slurry especially after the recent rain....
by Jane Marks | Jul 13, 2020 | Farm Services News & Articles
During the Summer months, animals traditionally graze grass in the fields as their main food source. Fields are not always located close to the yard. Farmers may need to allocate additional time to herd their livestock. With the ever-changing weather conditions, we...
by Jane Marks | Jul 2, 2020 | Farm Services News & Articles
Throughout Summer it is expected that farmers will be milking their full herd. At peak milking time, farmers rely on good milking practice for the quality of production. Efficient milking requires cows to be brought to the milking parlour as clean and as calm as...
by Jane Marks | Jul 2, 2020 | Farm Services News & Articles
Throughout the Summer months, farmers spend a considerable amount of time herding and caring for their livestock. From ensuring adequate grass supply to walking through the animals looking for signs of illness, Irish farmers put a great deal of effort into animal...