We would like to congratulate Aaron Williams on his appearance as the O’Sullivans farm trainee on the RTE television show ‘Big Week on the Farm’ last week and all his hard work on the farm. Aaron showed the nation that his positive attitude and hard work gave him the chance to get the skills required to become a farm worker.

19-year-old Aaron from Tralee had never even stepped onto a farm before being selected as a trainee for this year’s hit RTE television show ‘Big Week on the Farm’. However, he took to the work like a duck to water.

FRS were part of Aaron’s journey as he was part of the FRS Dairy Operative Skills Programme. People like Aaron with no farming experience can get the experience they need through the FRS programme when they bring the right attitude and strong work ethic.

“I’ve always had an interest in farming and agriculture in general. My dad, John, delivered rations for Kerry Group; when I was younger I used to go around with him. However, it’s hard to get into farming if you’re not born into it or have some connection with a farm.” said Aaron.

Aaron said that the experience was a massive learning curve for him, but he is certain that he wants to pursue a career in farming. He did his training on the O’Sullivans’ farm with Gillian and Neil playing the super roles as teachers and mentors and they helped him to bring his skills up.

At the end of the live final show on Friday Jane Marks from FRS announced the offer of a job to Aaron with FRS in Kerry, where he is from.
We wish Aaron all the best down the Kerry and encourage others to inquire about the FRS programme.

FRS takes people like Aaron under its wings to bring them through the Dairy Operative Skills Programme. Trainees complete a 20 day programme involving 4 training days in a Teagasc College and 16 days practical work experience on host farms organised by FRS. On successful completion of their training candidates will be offered work through FRS and paid a training rate during the working period.

For further details on the FRS Dairy Operative Skills Programme visit www.frsfarmrelief.ie/careers or contact Padraig Madden by e-mail pmadden@frsnetwork.ie or phone 086 0443945.

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