Farming in Ireland today is recorded as being not only one of the most dangerous occupations but also one of the most demanding with statistics showing that farmers continue to work the longest hours per week. It requires a lot of time and dedication and so many farmers every year continue to farm without taking a break.  Not only does their family time suffer but also their health.

Jeremy O’ Hanlon from Cloyne in county Cork has been farming all his life. His farm is spread across 120 acres which demands a lot of time and effort on a daily basis.

“I could easily spend up to 75 hours a week if not more working on the farm, it never stops.”

For Jeremy and his wife Anne family life is very important.  Every summer without fail they take the three children Shane, Sarah and Áine on holidays.  They have been going on holidays since they got married almost 18 years ago and from the get go they have used Farm Relief Services to take care of the work on the farm while they are away.

“I got married in 1998 so ever since then I have been using Farm Relief to take care of the farm while I am away.  Ever since we started going on holidays, I would call FRS and they would always send someone reliable out to me that would get the work done.”


jeremy cork 1

Farm Relief has always played a strong role in Jeremy’s life as his dad also used farm relief whenever he needed help on the farm.

“My dad was involved with Farm Relief too and if he ever got sick he use to ring them to come and help him or to cover for him if he was in hospital.”

Jeremy thinks it is vital for farmers nowadays to take a well-deserved break during the summer months.  Not only is it beneficial to the Farmer’s health it gives the farmer some quality time with the family.

“I think it’s so important for farmers to take a break during the summer months, your so strained and tired constantly you need it.  If you don’t take a break you are going to be stuck on the farm all year long and it’s not good for you.  It’s great to get away and you have to make the time to get away.  It’s great for all the family too.”

The same FRS operator, James Barry, has been coming to Jeremy’s farm for the past 6 or 7 years and has never let him down.  Jeremy feels confident leaving for holidays knowing that he can put his trust in him to get the work done and have his mind at ease during his time away.

“I have the same lad, James, coming to me for the past 6 or 7 years so he knows the ropes.  I’m delighted to be getting the same lad every year.  I’m happy with that because I know he will get the job done and I can enjoy the holiday knowing that there’s a confident guy there running the show.” 

Jeremy and his family have plans already in place for this summer having booked a week away in the Netherlands.  Plans have been made with Farm Relief who will be sending his usual reliable operator out to the farm to run the show whilst he is away.

“This summer we are going to the Netherlands for 8 days and we are really looking forward to it. I have everything sorted with farm relief.  I always ring them in good time to let them know when I will be going but everything always runs so smoothly they do a great job and I would never look back.”

FRS are there to tend to the farmers needs during any time of the year when farmers wish to take a break from farming life. Trained workers are sent out to the farm to cover all the farm work which guarantees to put the farmer’s minds at ease.

To find out more about farm relief services visit


Contact your local FRS @

Parkmore                                                     Carrigeen Ind Est.

Roscrea                                                         Cahir

0505-21166                                                 052-7441598                         

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