Throughout Summer it is expected that farmers will be milking their full herd. At peak milking time, farmers rely on good milking practice for the quality of production.

Efficient milking requires cows to be brought to the milking parlour as clean and as calm as possible. A stressed animal in the parlour can mean 20% less milk production. It is also important to have the milking equipment in the best possible condition and a good milking routine in place. Routines will vary between farms, parlour types, and different systems but there are operations that should always be carried out.

Good hygiene in the milking parlour needs to be maintained in all weather conditions, but more so in warmer weather as the milk is more susceptible to sticking in the milking machine if not promptly and thoroughly washed out.
Recommended cleaning methods for Milking Machines:
  1. Cold Circulation Cleaning using caustic detergents
  • Hot Circulation Cleaning using Alkaline/chlorine detergent/sterilisers
  • Acid detergents or milkstone removers weekly hot wash routine

(In conjunction with cold circulation wash)

  1. Cold Circulation Cleaning using caustic detergents
  1. Rinse plant with adequate amounts of cold water (14 litres per unit)
  • Circulate an approved milkstone remover (acid detergent) in 9 litres of cold or hot water per unit 10 minutes (max)
  • Follow by circulating a caustic detergent wash with added hypochlorite or an alkaline-chlorine product in 9 litres per unit for 10 minutes
  • Flush plant with 14 litres of cold water per unit prior to milking
  1. Hot Circulation Cleaning using Alkaline/chlorine detergent/sterilisers
  1. Wash jitters and outside of clusters (remove milk filter)
  • Rinse plant with 14 litres of cold water per/unit
  • Mix liquid alkaline chlorine detergent-steriliser in hot water (70-80oC) – 9 litres water per/unit
  • Circulate for 10 min, retain if recommended for the 2nd daily wash. (first 5 litres to waste)
  • Rinse immediately after main wash with 14litres/unit of cold water
  • Ensure the system is drained before milking
Farm Relief Services

FRS milking operators are fully trained to provide farmers with a quality relief milking service. FRS operators and technicians are following the current Covid 19 guidelines to safeguard the health and safety of customers and themselves.

Get in touch for your holiday cover needs, general farm work, relief milking or specialised farm services. Contact your local FRS Farm Relief office, visit for more information.

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