FRS launched the best milking practice in Milking Course in conjunction with Teagasc and AHI (Animal Health Ireland) in July of last year. The course itself proved to be a complete success. Almost four hundred farmers have upskilled their milking practices through the course and are in the process of receiving their highly commendable FETAC/QQI level 6 certifications.
The course is suited to all levels of expertise, catering for the beginners and the competent. Every area of the milking routine is covered during the course including; Preparation for Milking, Machine Parts/Components, Milk Quality (SCC&TBC), Mastitis Prevention, Washing Routines, Animal Diseases, Health and Safety and many other essentials aspects to ensure an efficient dairy system is in place.

Father and son at best practice in milking course
Plans are currently underway for the next Milking Course which is due to get underway in July 2015. Currently the cost of the course is only €250 for each participant reduced from €500 due to a €250 Department Subsidy.
For more information on the course or if you wish to book a spot for July:
Visit, alternatively contact us on 1890 20 10 00 or Kevin Fitzpatrick at 086 0280450. Drop us an email at


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