Recent figures from the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) show that fatalities in agriculture were down 40% on 2014. 18 deaths were reported in 2015 in comparison to 30 in 2014.
For the sixth year in a row, figures show that agriculture holds the record for the highest number of fatalities above all other sectors. In 2015, 55 people were killed in work related accidents, which the HSA stated is exactly the same number as 2014.
Across all sectors, incidents involving vehicles were the main cause of fatal accidents in the workplace, 21 in total, according to the HSA. A tractor or machinery were involved in six farm fatalities and four were involving livestock.
Construction fatalities increased from eight in 2014 to 11 in 2015 along with this the fishing sector saw an increase from one in 2015 to five in 2015.
Two-thirds of work related deaths, occurred in businesses with fewer than 10 employees, mainly in agriculture, construction and fishing. In 2015, there were four child fatalities, all of which were agriculture related.

FRS are advocates of Farm Safety
FRS are firm believers in promoting Farm safety and throughout 2015 worked hard to deliver live farm safety demonstrations to the public. FRS teamed up with FBD and the HSA to showcase practical farm safety demonstrations at the various agricultural shows throughout Ireland. These included safe handling of bulls and livestock, Tractor PTO demonstrations, as well as giving general farm safety advice.The demonstrations proved to entice the crowds and this year will expectantly prove no different.
What would you do if you had a farm accident and could not run your farm tomorrow?
The FRS Membership Benefit Scheme has helped many farmers out at their most vulnerable time – when they were unable to work their farms.
FRS offers a unique benefit as it arranges a relief worker straight to the farm to cover the work in the event of any accidents or sickness that is supported by a doctor’s cert.
The Sickness and Accident Support entitles members to the services of an experienced FRS operator for up to *12 weeks at only 25% of the regular cost (75% off). Maximum benefit is €500 (incl. Vat) per week (*first week is excluded and must be paid by the member).
The feedback from farmers who have claimed under the sickness and accident support reinforced to us the importance of offering this benefit to the industry.
The savings that these farmers made on their labour needs was just one side of it. The more significant side being that they could concentrate on recovering knowing that their farms were being looked after. Having a good trained reliable operator ready to step in, when required, is what the farmer needs and that is what FRS is all about.
The membership also gives better value farm services rates with top priority given to members and a death and capital benefit of up to €20,000.
Membership costs €295 annually – that is Peace of Mind for only 81 cent per day. Sign up in January and get 14 months for the price of 12.
For more information visit or call FRS Roscrea on 0505 21166 or FRS Cahir on 052 7441598. Text FRS MBS plus your name and address to 51444 for a call back.

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